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Rocketeer Close Up: Hanis Suhailah

As lead of support services at ServiceRocket, Hanis Suhailah cultivates four-star customer support and engagement. Hanis and her experienced support team regularly exceed customer expectations, delivering an average NPS of +92% and CSAT scores of 99%.

That level of support, well above industry standards, truly sets ServiceRocket apart.

Hanis has another passion: green growth. A knowledgeable plantswoman, she enjoys cultivating lush-colored plants and readily schools anyone that asks on their botanical names. Hanis’ plant kingdom has ballooned during lockdown, as seen in the images below.

We asked her how horticulture and managing a world-class support organization relate to each other.

What first got you into gardening?

HS: I took the plunge after seeing pictures of Monstera Deliciosa in home decor magazines. I got one, and when it didn't die, I thought, hmmm, maybe I can have more. Then, all of a sudden I'm ordering more plants online!

Plant parent alert!

I developed a special interest in Caladiums; that expanded to other types of plants (Anthuriums, Philodendrons, Alocasias, Colocasias, etc.) I became a plant collector.

Each plant species has different needs and growing conditions. I did a lot of reading and research—I even reached out to famous local plant collectors for tips. At this point, I'm most attracted to plants in the Aroids family.

"Plants teach me that things are temporary: enjoy it while it lasts, learn through the process and be resilient."

What do you enjoy about cultivating quality support services?

HS: I enjoy seeing my teammates delight our customers and enable heroes every day. It's always great to see awesome customer reviews, especially when they tell us how much the support we provided helped them.

I’m inspired by the growth and maturity I see in the team—their technical abilities, communication skills and leadership qualities.

ServiceRocket's 4-star customer support team

Do customer support and plant cultivation complement each other?

HS: Yes. With the right people, skills, tools, processes and most importantly, an understanding of the customer’s needs, we can support them the best we can.

It’s similar to growing plants: by understanding the different types of plant species and their growing needs—from soil mix, aeration, light, humidity and nutrition—you can grow them successfully in your garden. Both tasks require experimentation, but that's the beauty of the process.

Caladium eye candy! Varieties include C. Moonlight, C. Galaxy, Red Hybrid Thai Caladium and Alocasia Macrorrhiza juvenile leaves.

Is there a team aspect to cultivating plants? 

HS: I would say yes. With teamwork, you can maintain many more trees than doing it alone. It takes less time to build a garden. In that process, people work together to maintain the garden, apply fertilizer and pesticides as needed, while the plants continue to grow on their own.

"Plant cultivation is a lot like cultivating a team: guide them, establish processes and trust them to run it."

Does customer support require a similar cultivation that plants need?

HS: Definitely. Similar to planting a seed, you don't build great customer support in a day. It takes time to be a tree. It begins with one intention: to solve problems and have a happy customer. The drive is seeing the growth—by establishing better processes, using better tools and being more responsive. That makes it worthwhile.

This is Thai Beauty caladium. As the young leaves mature, they turn pink with green and white veins.

Does empathy come naturally to you? Do you love challenging yourself and solving problems? If so, ServiceRocket wants to hear from you! We’re a global family of Rocketeers who practice values like #Think Team and #We’ve Got Your Back every day. We also offer great benefits like TechChoice and Returnity. Check out current ServiceRocket job openings.

Both plants and people want to grow.

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