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We Embrace Pride in our ServiceRocket Family

By Rob Castaneda, CEO, ServiceRocket

Among Rocketeers, you'll often hear someone say that working at ServiceRocket “feels like family”. Why is that? Obviously we're not all related.

It's about how we treat each other—with love, compassion and support.

For many of us, Rocketeer relationships are a big part of our 'family', one that I cherish.

But here’s the thing:

Your family doesn't have to look like my family to be a family. Your love doesn't have to look like my love to be love.

When I first read this, it challenged my assumptions. But I knew it was true. Love is the only rule. Just as the song says, love is all we need. This message resonates and needs to be stated again and again, especially during Pride Month.

You may or may not directly relate to Pride. Maybe you grew up in an environment where people were wary of this community and this message, like I did. Today, I still have many family and friends who feel that way. By sharing my journey and evolution in loving, I hope to encourage others to revisit their assumptions.

The fact is, changing our personal assumptions is not easy.

Over the past few years I’ve worked with a coach to become a better, more supportive partner. She put me on to a powerful concept:

Become better at receiving love.

What I learned is that, if we don't know how to accept love, we reject appreciation and affection, or help and guidance from others. That undermines our relationships and how we love and accept each other. Until we learn to receive love, it will be difficult to share love.

We can all do better at receiving love, which in turn will help enhance our ability to show appreciation and love for others, no matter who they are.

I believe in embracing our vulnerability. That journey will likely take you to places you'd rather not visit again.

Perhaps those views or situations weren’t your choice. That’s OK. You are who you are now and where you are now. It’s about evolving.

I’m committed to helping every Rocketeer to be in the now and reduce negative anxiety. Along with the love, it’s all we need.

We live our #ThinkTeam values everyday at ServiceRocket. Join us in our mission to empower people through our products and solutions. #WeGotyourBack

Accepting love is as powerful as giving it.

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